The Robotics program that was launched on the 14th of April, 2022 at Nkoranza in the Bono East of Ghana trained 50 people at start. Mr. Kelvin Appiah was a beneficiary, and his participation was incredible. As a beneficiary of the first ever robotics training held in Nkoranza, Kelvin dedicated his time to advance his robotics and computer programming skills with HOF’s tech training team.
As a fresh Junior high school graduate waiting for his results, He has dedicated his time to join the Hold-a-Hand project in his community to train younger ones in Robotics and Drone Piloting. Kelvin currently has eight students that He supports in his ‘after school extra curriculum training’ in Robotics and Drone piloting.
Robotics Training session
We are pleased to have young beneficiaries like Kelvin giving back to the society. May God grant Us grace to do more.